-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTRIBUTING TO MIGGYBYTE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So do you want to be famous? Get your name in print? Have people viewing your work all over the world? Well its easy to do some work for Miggybyte. Document writers ---------------- If you would like to write some documents for Miggybyte fell free the only restriction is when you sent them in to be published please make sure there in ASCII TXT format or Wordworth format. Documents can be on any topic you like from a review of a bit of software, hardware, video etc or announcement of some software your working on. It doesn't have to be computer related as you can see humour texts takes up a large part of this publication and is probably one of the most popular parts. Or maybe you would just like to sound off to a large audience? Its all in fun so come on do some texts after all its the readers of Miggybyte that keep its publication going. Graphics Artists ---------------- We are always in need of boot screen graphics so if you can make a nice Miggybyte or Warning logo then why not submit it. Music ----- Any good at trackers? Then we would love to have some of your mods to use in future issues. Just make sure there in a tracker format. So you've got the submission ready and want to know where to send it? Email: ben.gaunt@pickled.demon.co.uk miggybyte@pickled.demon.co.uk Fido: Ben Gaunt 2:254/260.12 If your in the UK call the Whq BBS Channel X on 0181 943 5187 its online 24hrs a day 7 days a week. Once online there upload your submissions to the Miggybyte Submissions file area. Once we receive your work it will be used in the next issue of Miggybyte. .--------_-Ben Gaunt (BenG) Ed: MB Sysop: Channel X 0181 943 5187-_-----. | /\/\ |_) .-----The Official MiggyByte Web Page-----. /\/\ |_) | | /iggy\|_)yte |-----http://www.pickled.demon.co.uk------| /iggy\|_)yte | `---DiskMag-----`--E-Mail: ben.gaunt@pickled.demon.co.uk--'----DiskMag----' END ===